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Newsletter - July 2021


We have one more quiet month before ice painting (stay tuned for details) and the run-up to the 2021-22 season begins, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything curling related going on!

Vote for your Board of Directors

Six two-year positions on the Cedar Rapids Curling Board of Directors are up for election by the general membership. Current members will receive an email with a link to vote for Board members on July 20. Voting is anonymous and will remain open until Aug. 3. New board members will be announced at the Aug. 8 picnic.

Join us for a picnic 

We have much to celebrate at our Member Meeting & Picnic at noon Sunday, Aug. 8, at Hawks Ridge Park in Fairfax (390 W. Prairie Dr., Fairfax, IA, 52228). Bring your family and significant others! Cedar Rapids Curling will provide the hamburgers, brats, buns, and utensils. We ask that you bring an appetizer, side, dish, or dessert to share.

After eating and catching up, we will have a short member meeting to share club status and plans and announce the new Board of Directors.

Please help us determine how much food to purchase by signing up at https://bit.ly/3iKWedI.

Get ready for fall, winter, and spring curling

Curling will soon return to our normal Tuesday nights on our home Olympic ice side! Leagues will have two shifts similar to our pre-pandemic leagues and we are working with the arena to finalize exact start and end times. Stay tuned for that and for when registration opens.

But in the meantime, put these dates into your calendar:

  • Sept. 7: Pick-up games
  • Sept 21-Dec. 7: 10-week fall league (There will be a two-week break Nov. 16 and Nov. 23 for members to travel to Olympic Trials in Omaha and for Thanksgiving. There may be pick-up games these two weeks.)
  • Jan. 11-Feb. 8: 5-week winter league
  • April 5-May 24: 8-week spring league

We'll host a Learn to Curl on Sept. 14. Our Olympic push will run from Feb. 15 to March 29. We'll needs lots of volunteers for multiple Learn to Curl events and a mini camp for brand-new curlers. There may be potential for pick-up games during some of these events.

Join the CRC Olympic Planning Committee

The Winter Olympics and upcoming events provide huge opportunities to grow CRC and expand the sport in Eastern Iowa. We will have major increased marketing activities and lots and lots of special events showing off our sport and our awesome CRC members in the next eight months. Everyone is needed and everyone can help regardless of curling skill or experience.

To help plan and execute these fun activities, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Last call coming up to curl at CedarSpiel

The registration deadline to curl in CedarSpiel is July 31. This fun, social (non-competitive) curling tournament will be Sept. 10-12. All CRC member are encouraged to sign up, but especially those members who have never experienced the joy of bonspieling. 

  • To register a 4-person team (let folks know of your interest in the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room on Facebook), go to https://bit.ly/3pSimVo
  • To register individually and have us help you find a team, log into our member website and go to https://bit.ly/3gglXt4.

Send questions to Kari Kozak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Help or join CRC officers

Wonder how CRC gets everything actually done?  It doesn’t happen without our officers, and we’d love to have you join the team.

Our standing officer positions include:

  • President
  • Vice president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Events coordinator
  • Ice coordinator
  • Instructional league coordinator
  • League coordinator
  • Marketing/communications coordinator
  • Membership development coordinator
  • Technology coordinator

More information about the offices can be found at https://bit.ly/3vfcYg5. Even if you are not sure that you have the experience or full skill set to be a leader of any position this year, you absolutely can contribute to any position in which you have interest.

If you want to lead or help with any position, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or let him know at the member picnic.

Help make CedarSpiel a success

CedarSpiel is our biggest event of the year and there will be emails coming about how to volunteer, but if you want to help before it kicks off, we have a fun, easy way pitch in: Put together a raffle basket, or donate items or cash to make a basket. We have a bunch of empty baskets just ready to be filled!

We count on the raffle baskets to break even – and hopefully make money for the club – on this event.

Email Emily Nelson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you'd like to donate something or if you have questions.

CRC on the road

Martha and Murray Marple curled July 10 in the Iowa Curling Cup,a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity in Des Moines with equipment provided by the Des Moines Curling Club.

Their team claimed second place. Congratulations!


We'd love to know where you’re going and share a photo of your team in our e-newsletter and social channels. Send photos of your team to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post them in the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room on Facebook. Please include everyone’s names, the event, and location.


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