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Newsletter - June 2021


THANK YOU for an amazing return-to-curling spring league, and for your cooperation in making our temporary safety protocols a success!  Congratulations to Steve Foster, Dori Hinson, Beth Hinson, and Phil Burian on their league win! (Team photo pending due to a bye the last week.) 

While arena repairs are finished over the next couple months, we have a LOT going on that will dramatically impact Cedar Rapids Curling’s future for years, and we need your help. All members, especially those with less experience, are encouraged to ask for more information. These events are so important that we are sending this by mail as well as email, so please read carefully and consider how you would most enjoy being involved in the coming months. 

Thank you and good curling!

Help us plan for next season's leagues, LTCs, and more

Have thoughts or questions about when, what kind, and how long our leagues, learn to curls, and other events will be for the next year? Well, now’s your time to share your ideas about what our schedule looks like—or just listen in on the planning process.

We will host a 2021-22 season planning meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 29, via Zoom.

Sign up at https://bit.ly/3iDvw75.

Celebrate with a picnic 

We have much to celebrate! Please join us for our Member Meeting & Picnic at noon Sunday, Aug. 8, at Hawks Ridge Park in Fairfax (390 W. Prairie Dr., Fairfax, IA, 52228). Bring your family and significant others! Cedar Rapids Curling will provide the hamburgers, brats, buns, and utensils. We ask that you bring an appetizer, side, dish, or dessert to share.

After eating and catching up, we will have a short member meeting to share club status and plans and announce the new Board of Directors.

Please help us determine how much food to purchase by signing up at https://bit.ly/3iKWedI.

Join the Board of Directors

Six two-year positions on the Board of Directors are up for election by the general membership. The Board ordinarily meets once a month and establishes policies, appoints officers and committee chairs, and sets goals to accomplish Cedar Rapids Curling’s mission.

Joining the Board is a great opportunity to serve and help guide the club through the exciting growth that we expect to experience in the next few years. Significant curling skill or experience is not required, and having a few newer members actually is desirable.

For more information about what is involved, ask any current Board member, or email Phil Burian.

To encourage nominations and voting, voting will be online and anonymous. To nominate yourself or another CRC member, email Phil Burian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by July 5. 

Help or join CRC officers

Wonder how CRC gets everything actually done?  It doesn’t happen without our officers, and we’d love to have you join the team.

Our standing officer positions include:

  • President
  • Vice president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Events coordinator
  • Ice coordinator
  • Instructional league coordinator
  • League coordinator
  • Marketing/communications coordinator
  • Membership development coordinator
  • Technology coordinator

More information about the offices can be found at https://bit.ly/3vfcYg5. Even if you are not sure that you have the experience or full skill set to be a leader of any position this year, you absolutely can contribute to any position in which you have interest.

If you want to lead or help with any position, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or let him know at the member picnic.

Join the CRC Olympic Planning Committee

The Winter Olympics and upcoming events provide huge opportunities to grow CRC and expand the sport in Eastern Iowa. We will have major increased marketing activities and lots and lots of special events showing off our sport and our awesome CRC members in the next eight months. Everyone is needed and everyone can help regardless of curling skill or experience.

To help plan and execute these fun activities, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Seeking a female curler to be our USWCA representative

The United States Women’s Curling Association develops, nurtures, and promotes curling to females and all youth. We need a representative to make sure we take full advantage of these opportunities. More information is at https://www.uswca.org/area-representative-liaisons.

If you have any interest or questions, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Construction, design, HVAC/refrigeration experience/suppliers needed

All hands are needed to paint our six sheets (complete with in-ice club logos) on the Olympic rink side in August. In the meantime, we are designing a new equipment storage and stone refrigeration system for our return home.

Anyone with knowledge in HVAC and refrigeration design, general construction or small building design, or who has a contact who may be interested in donating lumber, insulation, ducting, or hardware in exchange for some advertising should immediately email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Never been to a bonspiel? CedarSpiel is perfect for you!

On September 10-12, teams from around the Midwest will join CRC teams for our 7th annual CedarSpiel, a fun, social (non-competitive) curling tournament. All CRC member are encouraged to sign up, but especially those members who have never experienced the joy of bonspieling. The registration deadline is July 31.   

  • To register a 4-person team (let folks know of your interest in the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room on Facebook), go to https://bit.ly/3pSimVo
  • To register individually and have us help you find a team, log into our member website and go to https://bit.ly/3gglXt4.

Send questions to Kari Kozak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Help make CedarSpiel a success

CedarSpiel is our biggest event of the year and there will be emails coming about how to volunteer, but if you want to help before it kicks off, we have a fun, easy way pitch in: Put together a raffle basket, or donate items or cash to make a basket. We have a bunch of empty baskets just ready to be filled!

We count on the raffle baskets to break even – and hopefully make money for the club – on this event.

Email Emily Nelson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you'd like to donate something or if you have questions.

CRC members going back on the road

Cedar Rapids Curling members are again hitting the road for bonspiels at other clubs. These events are irreplaceable ways to: 1) have one to three days of fun; 2) get to better know fellow CRC members; 3) experience the quality of ice that is dedicated exclusively to curling; 4) make new friends and learn from more experienced curlers at other clubs. You do not need think you are a good curler. If you want to have fun and you have actually curled in a game or two, you are qualified to go to a bonspiel.

Watch for invitations, and express your interest being on a team in the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room on Facebook.

We'd love to know where you’re going and share a photo of your team in our e-newsletter and social channels. Send photos of your team to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post them in the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room on Facebook. Please include everyone’s names, the event, and location.

Kari Windy City May 2021

Kari Kozak last month joined a team including Amy Hansen, Greg Rokelson, and Debbie McCormick at the WC3 Open at Windy City Curling in Chicago. 

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