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Newsletter - July 2022


Can you believe how fast summer is slipping by? That means the 2022-23 curling season is right around the corner!

Vote for your Board of Directors

Six two-year positions on the Cedar Rapids Curling Board of Directors are up for election by the general membership. 

Current members should have received an email with a link to vote for Board members on Monday, July 11. 

Voting is anonymous and will remain open until July 25. New members will be announced at the July 31 picnic. 

Celebrate with a picnic 

Speaking of the picnic, please join us for our Member Meeting & Picnic at noon July 31 at at Hawks Ridge Park in Fairfax (390 W. Prairie Dr., Fairfax, IA, 52228). 

Bring your family and significant others! Cedar Rapids Curling will provide the hamburgers, brats, buns, and utensils. We ask that you bring an appetizer, side, dish, or dessert to share. After eating and catching up, we will have a short member meeting to share club status and plans and announce the new Board of Directors. 

Register now   

Register now for 2022-23 curling

Curling will soon return! Start marking your calendars and sign up now to curl or volunteer at an LTC at https://cedarrapidscurling.com/index.php/calendar/event-listings-new (you may need to be logged in for some events).

Teach the teacher/pick-up games

Sept. 6: While we won't have nearly as many Learn-to-Curl events as we did last winter, we still want all our volunteers on the same page. So, if you have taught LTCs in the past or want to teach new curlers, please come. Think you're not a good enough curler to teach? Think again! We'll have pick-up games after the mini-lesson.


  • Sept. 20-Dec. 13 (two byes and we will take Nov. 22 off for Thanksgiving
  • Jan. 17-March 21 (two byes)
  • April 11-May 16 (one bye)

 Learn-to-Curl events

  • Sept. 13
  • Jan. 10
  • April 4

Kari Kozak is working to set up a few friendlies with nearby curling clubs. Friendlies are one-day events and a great way to meet other curlers around the Midwest and to play on dedicated ice in a less formal fashion than a bonspiel. Stay tuned for more information.

We'll also have instructional leagues running throughout the season as well. If you're interested in helping with those, talk to Phil Engen!

Help or join CRC officers

Wonder how CRC gets everything actually done?  It doesn’t happen without our officers, and we’d love to have you join the team.

Note: Only the President needs to be a member of the Cedar Rapids Curling Board of Directors. Any CRC member can take on any other position.

Our standing officer positions include:

  • President
  • Vice president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Events coordinator
  • Ice coordinator
  • Instructional league coordinator
  • League coordinator
  • Marketing/communications coordinator
  • Membership development coordinator
  • Technology coordinator

More information about the offices can be found at the bottom of this page: https://bit.ly/3vfcYg5. Even if you are not sure that you have the experience or full skill set to be a leader of any position this year, you absolutely can contribute to any position in which you have interest.

If you want to lead or help with any position, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or let him know at the member picnic.

Update to CRC policy

The Cedar Rapids Curling Board of Directors approved an update to policy regarding payment of membership dues and league fees. Please be advised:

Member Payments: Membership dues and league fees must be paid in full no later than the fourth week of the current league. Members who have not paid in full for prior seasons will not be allowed to register for another league before the past due amounts are paid. The Board may approve exceptions based on considerations of:

  • Respect for those members who have paid in full. 
  • Exigent circumstances
  • Non-monetary contributions such as volunteer record.

CRC + CR Pride

We had an amazing day participating in the 30th CR Pride Festival on July 9 at NewBo Market. We can't thank Cedar Rapids Curling board member Drew Powell, who is also on the CR Pride board, enough for inviting us.

We're told about 15,000 people attended throughout the day. Along with talking to people about our sport and showing off some equipment, we also had the street curling set out, which is always a big hit with kids and adults! 

Thank you so much to our seven volunteers who staffed the table throughout the day. It was an amazing day to celebrate community! Check out our Facebook and Instagram for lots of photos. 

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