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League Information


Cedar Rapids Curling generally has one 8- to 10-week league in the fall and winter/spring, with one or two introductory leagues held at the same time. We often have a 2- to 5-week league in between the longer leagues and in the late spring and summer.

Your annual membership is required for you to play in all leagues, except instructional league.

Register for upcoming leagues.

Cedar Rapids Curling will find a way for any interested person who can safely be on the ice to participate when their physical abilities do not allow for typical curling styles and techniques. We have special stone delivery devices for those who may not be able to comfortably crouch down to deliver (throw) stones and we can accommodate individuals with more significant physical limitations. Contact us with questions about your particular circumstances if you have concerns; we almost certainly will be able to accommodate.


Types of Leagues

The following leagues are available at Cedar Rapids Curling:


Instructional League

These four-week leagues allow you to try curling and prepare you for league play if you decide to continue. No experience or equipment is necessary.

Learn more on the Instructional Leagues Page


Open League

These 8- to 10-week leagues are an open format, meaning your team can be all male, female, or any combination. You can sign up for leagues as a team of four or as an individual, in which case we will group you with others. Many of our members regularly sign up as individuals. It gives you the chance to play with new people each league!

Teams compete against each other in a hybrid round robin format with playdowns.


Luck of the Draw League

During these 4- to 5-week leagues, we will draw names out of a hat each week to decide which team you are on that week. This allows you to play with new people each week.




1 Practice/Skills Nights $24 $12*
4 Instructional  $110** --
5 Open League $120 $60*
8 Open League $192 $96*
10 Open League $240 $120*


* One junior/child member curls free in any league with a paid adult member in the same league.
**The first league that an adult curls in after completing an instructional league/mini-camp will pay the junior/child price.

  • Anyone may sub into a game for $25 per game. Individuals signed up for league may sub in other games for free.  
  • Open Leagues and Practice/Skills Nights require membership, but membership is not required for Instructional League. Learn more about membership
  • Juniors are ages 17-21; child is 16 and younger.


Any draw dates that are canceled due to inclement weather, equipment malfunction, or other unforeseen circumstances will be rescheduled at the discretion of Cedar Rapids Curling. Refunds for canceled draw dates will be issued at the discretion of Cedar Rapids Curling.

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