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Newsletter - October 2022


Cedar Rapids Curling committed to safe, respectful environment

The Cedar Rapids Curling Board of Directors is aware of recent news regarding Jeff Plush, CEO of USA Curling.

Cedar Rapids Curling prides itself on living up to its mission to advance the Spirit of Curling, which is honor, sportsmanship, courtesy, and inclusiveness; to improve the health and quality of life for all willing to try; and to empower those committed to becoming a serious competitor on the national and international stage.

Cedar Rapids Curling is committed to creating a safe environment for members to curl and engage with fellow curlers and others in the arena.

Board members annually review and follow policies laid out in the member handbook and participate in annual training through U.S. SafeSport, which works to build a sport community where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and misconduct.

We encourage members to raise any concerns with a board member. All concerns will be addressed respectfully, with integrity, and with anonymity, if desired.

If you wish to know more or to discuss how Cedar Rapids Curling addresses such issues, please contact Cedar Rapids Curling Board President Phil Burian at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

FREE bonspiels for CRC members

The Midwest Curling Association hosts several bonspiels throughout the year that are FREE for Cedar Rapids Curling members. These are great opportunities to play on dedicated ice.

The 9th annual Prairie State Challenge will be Oct. 29-30 at Exmoor Country Club and Chicago Curling Club. This is a great opportunity for curlers of all experience levels to get on the ice with old and new friends. Find more information.

The Dar Curtis Bonspiel will be Nov. 19-20 at Waltham Curling Club. The Dar Curtis is meant for players to currently curl as leads or twos or newer vice skips to allow them a chance to curl with their peers and try out their own strategies in a fun environment. Find more information.

If you're looking for team members for either spiel, throw a thread on the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room Facebook group page or chat with people at league!

Looking to buy your own curling equipment?

If you have been curling for a little while and are hooked, it may be time to consider buying some of your own equipment--especially shoes and a broom. While we are proud of our club equipment, we admit it's not always the newest or the best. Buying your own equipment can make a huge improvement in your game and help you feel more comfortable on the ice.

If you don't know where to start, we've put together a page on the Cedar Rapids Curling website explaining what equipment you may want to consider and why, as well as providing links to curling equipment retailers. 

And of course, your fellow curlers are always willing to give their recommendations and reviews of products!

Check it out   

Want to use CRC's logo?

As we head into bonspiel season, some teams may want to make custom shirts for theme events or just because they like to have fun!

We wants our members to be able to show their pride in Cedar Rapids Curling. To facilitate that, Cedar Rapids Curling has instituted a policy that dues-paying members may use the CRC logo without charge for personal, non-commercial use, with a few exceptions. Check out the rules and download accepted versions of the logo for use.

Read the policy   

(You be logged in to read the policy.)

Team Kozak to compete at Arena National Championship

Kari Kozak, Emily Nelson, Anne York, and Lynn Benkusky will compete Nov. 3-6 at the 2022 U.S. Arena National Championship in Eveleth, Minnesota. Wish them luck!


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