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Newsletter - September 2022


The 2022-23 season marks Cedar Rapids Curling's 10th anniversary! To celebrate, this year's members will receive a commemorative 10th anniversary pin. Stay tuned for other special events throughout the year and GOOD CURLING!

Join us for broomstacking

One aspect of curling that is a large part of the sport is broomstacking. For those of you who may be newer, broomstacking is simply enjoying the company of your opponents after the game, usually with a cold beverage (but not required).

There are a number of Cedar Rapids Curling members who go to the Union Station on 16th Avenue (2 minutes from the arena) after league every week for food and drink.

We'd love to have some new faces join us and be able to get to know everyone better! 

Get to know your CRC board members

The Cedar Rapids Curling Board wants to be as accessible to its members as possible. Don't know who your board members are? Find short bios and photos of board members on the Cedar Rapids Curling website.

Meet your board   

Updated member handbook now online

(Almost) everything you want to know about Cedar Rapids Curling can be found in the member handbook. Our mission statement, board member, office positions, policies, etiquette, league rules--it's all there.

Read the handbook   

FREE bonspiels for CRC members

The Midwest Curling Association hosts several bonspiels throughout the year that are FREE for Cedar Rapids Curling members. These are great opportunities to play on dedicated ice.

The 9th annual Prairie State Challenge will be Oct. 29-30 at Exmoor Country Club and Chicago Curling Club. This is a great opportunity for curlers of all experience levels to get on the ice with old and new friends. Find more information.

The Dar Curtis Bonspiel will be Nov. 19-20 at Waltham Curling Club. The Dar Curtis is meant for players to currently curl as leads or twos or newer vice skips to allow them a chance to curl with their peers and try out their own strategies in a fun environment. Find more information.

If you're looking for team members for either spiel, throw a thread on the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room Facebook group page or chat with people at league!

Need a new nametag?

Have you lost your name badge? Have a name change? The club is ordering official nametags for those needing one. They will be the standard black and white with our logo etched on them and have a magnetic closure in the back. The cost is $8 per tag. Please order by September 26th! If you have any questions, contact Kari Kozak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Check out our new bulletin board

In the next couple weeks, we will be hanging a bulletin board somewhere around the stone house on which we'll post all kinds of information. This will act a bit like our Virtual Warm Room on Facebook--only in physical form. You may find invitations to upcoming bonspiels, information about events, reminders about this or that, sell your old equipment, etc.

Keep your eyes peeled and check it out regularly.

Register for membership online

New this year, we are asking everyone to register for 2022-23 membership through the website. This allows people who may not be able to play in fall league to still pay for and enjoy membership benefits.

You will be able to pay membership fees online as well.

Register for membership   

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