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Newsletter - August 2022


Interested in playing at Arena Nationals? Let us know now

USA Curling has surprisingly announced that it will hold the U.S. Arena Curling National Championships on Nov. 3-6, 2022, in Eveleth, Minnesota. This is an event for clubs that play on arena ice like us, and our members are eligible regardless of experience level. 

The qualification process is still undetermined, but please contact phil.burian@cedarrapidscurling.com if you have any interest. This short notice was out of our control and details still are developing, but let Phil know immediately if you want to be part of the conversation as more information becomes clear.

Welcome, new board members

Congratulations to Lynn Benkusky, Andrew Forman, Beth Hinson, Emily Johnson, Emily Nelson, and Greg Schmitt for being elected to the Cedar Rapids Curling Board of Directors. This is Emily Johnson and Beth Hinson's first term on the board and we're so happy to have them!

Thank you to Drew Powell and Jeremy Parrish for their dedicated service to the board over the past few years. We are a stronger club because of them.

And thank you to everyone who put their name forward to join the board. We are fortunate to have so many people willing to take time out of their busy lives to help grow our club and our sport. There will be six more board spots up for election next year and hope to see your names on the ballot again!

Cedar Rapids Curling turns 10

The 2022-23 season marks Cedar Rapids Curling's 10th anniversary! To celebrate, this year's members will receive a commemorative 10th anniversary pin.

Stay tuned for other special events throughout the year.

Register for membership online

New this year, we are asking everyone to register for 2022-23 membership through the website. This allows people who may not be able to play in fall league to still pay for and enjoy membership benefits.

You will be able to pay membership fees online as well.

Register for membership   

Don't miss the deadline to sign up for fall league

Our 10-week fall league runs from Sept. 20 to Dec. 13 with two byes and Nov. 22 off for Thanksgiving.

The deadline to sign up is Sept. 6.

Register now   

Sign up for 'teach the teacher' and volunteer for LTCs

While we won't have nearly as many Learn-to-Curl events as we did last winter, we still want all our volunteers on the same page. Whether you have taught LTCs in the past or want to teach new curlers, please join us Sept. 6. Think you're not a good enough curler to teach? Think again! 

We also will go over ice set up so everyone can learn all that needs to be done to get us up and going each week and have pick-up games after the mini-lessons.

Register now   

Speaking of teaching, our first two learn-to-curl events of the season are right around the corner.

Sept. 2 (this is a small group event for about 14 people). 

Volunteer now   

Sept.13 (this will be a full learn-to-curl with up to 48 participants) 

Volunteer now   

2022 volunteer and 2020 sustaining member gifts

During our recent member picnic, we handed out gift certificates to our favorite broomstacking establishment, Union Station, to people who volunteered at least five times in winter 2022 and drew names for our raffle prizes. Kari Kozak will be looking to get these to people who were not at the picnic during fall league. If you can't stop by to pick yours up, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We also recognized members who paid membership dues for the 2020-21 season despite no assurance that we would be able to curl with special "sustaining member" pins. They truly kept us going during uncertain times and we won't forget them. Kari also has these pins for members who were not at the picnic.

Friendly with Aksarben - Sept 17th

Our first friendly of the year will be Saturday, Sept. 17, with Aksarben Curling Club (Omaha, NE) hosting neighboring clubs Cedar Rapids Curling, Des Moines Curling, Sioux Falls Curling and Yankton Curling. This will be a fun opportunity to play a few casual games and get to know some fellow Midwest curlers. 

  • Teams: 40 spots (10 teams). The first 32 players (8 teams) will be reserved for non-Aksarben curlers through Aug. 20.
  • Games: Three six-end games at 12 p.m., 1:45 p.m., and 3:30 p.m.
  • Broomstacking: We'll broomstack afterward at the Inner Rail Food Hall (1911 S. 67th St) in Aksarben Village. The Inner Rail has eight local restaurant vendors, bar, and outdoor patio. 
  • For questions or wanting help putting a team together, emailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cost is $45 a person. Deadline is Aug. 20. 

Register here   

2022 members picnic a success

We had a gorgeous day to celebrate at the 2022 members picnic. Thank you to all who came out for food and fellowship! It was wonderful to look back at the past year and get excited about the new season. You can find more photos from the picnic on our Facebook and Instagram channels.

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