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Newsletter - April 2022


We're in the homestretch of our 2021-22 season. Things will be winding down in the curling world, but not completely stopping. Mark your calendar with everything coming up in the next few months.

Join fellow MCA curlers at ImOn Ice

Due to the low sign-up thus far for the inaugural MCA Arena Championship May 14-15 at ImOn Ice, the MCA is opening the weekend up to curlers from any MCA club.

The fee is $35 per curler and teams will play a minimum of three games. Participants are responsible for food and beverage costs.

Registration deadline is April 17. Register as a full team or sign up as an individual and we will find you a team.

Register now   

Final chances to get your name in the volunteer raffle bag

We've got two final Learn-to-Curl events for the season. Two final chances to win fabulous prizes! (OK, there may be one more corporate in May, but for now this is it!)

  • 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, April 12: ASHRAE (This is right before league so help out and then curl yourself!)
  • 4-6 p.m. Saturday, April 16: Public LTC

Sign up now   

REMINDER: Don't forget to sign a raffle ticket each time you volunteer. The raffle ticket book is in the freezer shed above the rocks. Volunteer five times before the end of April and you will automatically get a fabulous gift. In addition, every time you volunteer, your name will go into a raffle for several big prizes (including gift cards to Steve’s Curling—because who doesn’t need a new broom or shoes?) at the end of the season.

Broomstacking and one more week of curling

Spring league starts tonight (April 5). One aspect of curling that is a large part of the sport is broomstacking. For those of you who may be newer, broomstacking is enjoying the company of your opponents after the game, usually with a cold beverage (but not required). There are a number of us who go to the Union Station on 16th Avenue (2 minutes from the arena) after league every week for food and drink.

We'd love to have some new faces join us and be able to get to know everyone better! 

Due to the number of teams we have this league, we've added a week so that everyone will get to curl eight weeks with one bye week. League will now end May 31.

During your bye week, feel free to show up anyway! We have a full instructional league of 16 curlers and we always welcome helpers. You may not think you're experienced or knowledgable enough, but even if you just help with small things like ettiquette, where to stand during games, sweeping, and encouraging them to have fun, that is such a huge assist to the instructors and greatly appreciated by everyone to help grow the club. If we have enough instructional help, there are a few teams with three curlers in which you could jump in with, or a team may need a sub.

Some clothing orders are in, some aren't, and store is open again

If you placed a merchandise order for a jacket, vest, or quarter-zip, Lynn Benkusky has the orders and will bring them to league the next couple weeks for pick-up.

Unfortunately, if you ordered a T-shirt or sweatshirt, they are not here yet. We need a few more orders to meet the minimum for screen printing. The store is back open for T-shirts and sweatshirts and we've added a ton of choices for crazy, fun summer colors and a few new styles--including a 3/4 baseball tee!


If you have a pending order for a sweatshirt and/or T-shirt, you don't need to do anything.

The store is open until midnight Tuesday, April 12. If you want an "Eat, Sleep, Curl" shirt, get it now! It will be "retired" after this order!

Sweatshirt and T-shirt orders will be in during Spring League.

Let Lynn Benkusky know if you have questions! 

Save the dates

We have three annual Cedar Rapids Curling events coming up over the summer.

Planning meeting: 6:30 p.m. June 7 on Zoom (note that the date changed due to a week being added to league). 

Have thoughts or questions about when, what kind, and how long our leagues, learn to curls, and other events will be for the next year? Well, this will be your time to share your ideas about what our schedule looks like—or just listen in on the planning process.

Register now   

Member meeting and picnic: Noon July 31 at at Hawks Ridge Park in Fairfax (390 W. Prairie Dr., Fairfax, IA, 52228). 

We have much to celebrate! Bring your family and significant others! Cedar Rapids Curling will provide the hamburgers, brats, buns, and utensils. We ask that you bring an appetizer, side, dish, or dessert to share. After eating and catching up, we will have a short member meeting to share club status and plans and announce the new Board of Directors. 

Register now   

CedarSpiel: Aug. 12-14.

Details are still be ironed out but registration should be open soon, so start planning!

Start thinking about joining our Board of Directors

Six two-year positions on the Board of Directors will be up for election this summer by the general membership. The Board ordinarily meets once a month and establishes policies, appoints officers and committee chairs, and sets goals to accomplish Cedar Rapids Curling’s mission.

Joining the Board is a great opportunity to serve and help guide the club through the exciting growth that we expect to experience in the next few years. Significant curling skill or experience is not required, and having a few newer members actually is desirable.

For more information about what is involved, ask any current Board member, or email Phil Burian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

You can learn more about the current board members here.

Check out this FREE bonspiel

The Midwest Curling Association hosts several bonspiels throughout the year that are FREE for Cedar Rapids Curling members. These are great opportunities to play on dedicated ice.

The Dar Curtis Bonspiel will be May 28-29 at Windy City Curling Club. The Dar Curtis is meant for players to currently curl as leads or twos or newer vice skips to allow them a chance to curl with their peers and try out their own strategies in a fun environment. Find more information.

If you're looking for team members, throw a thread on the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room Facebook group page or chat with people at league! 

CRC on the road

Packy Moran is in Las Vegas this week volunteering at the 2022 World Men's Curling Championship--and rubbing elbows with the best curlers in the world as seen in photos with Kevin Koe, Brent Laing, and Jennifer Jones.

Martha and Murray Marple joined friends Susan and Barry for the Ardsley Big Apple Bonspiel. Love to see CRC representing on the East Coast!


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