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Newsletter - March 2022


Olympic bump season is almost over! We hosted A LOT of public events and we couldn't have done it without our amazing volunteers. You all graciously gave of your time to share our sport with the wider community, and we couldn't be more grateful. We'll share some stats after we finish our last few public and corporate events. 

In the meantime, check out what's happening in the next couple months--including a canceled event and an opportunity to get on the ice ourselves!

Mini-camp canceled

Unfortunately, we did not have enough people sign up for our March 15-29 mini-camp to pay for ice. We are working with those who did to help them sign up for regular instructional leagues in April and May. 

If you signed up to voluteer for any of the three nights of mini-camp, thank you! But you now get those nights off--although you might want to come to the arena on March 29 anyway. To learn why, keep reading.

Choose-your-own-adventure on the ice

We decided to keep the ice we reserved for mini-camp on March 29 and open it up for members to use. Want to play a pick-up game? Want to try doubles? Just want to throw a whole bunch of stones? You can!

We'll have the ice from 6:30 to 9 p.m. and it's only $12 to play. 

If you already signed up for pick-up games after volunteering for mini-camp that night, we ask that you please sign up again on the new registration page.

Register now   

 (You must be logged in to register.)

Volunteers needed for just a couple more events

We're almost to the end of public and corporate events for this curling season, but there are a few more to go.

  • 1-3 p.m. Friday, March 25: IFF Corporation
  • 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, April 12: ASHRAE
  • 4-6 p.m. Saturday, April 16: Public LTC

Registering for these events has moved back from Sign-up Genius to our website.

Sign up now   

REMINDER: Don't forget to sign a raffle ticket each time you volunteer. The raffle ticket book is in the freezer shed above the rocks. Volunteer five times before April and you will automatically get a fabulous gift. In addition, every time you volunteer, your name will go into a raffle for several big prizes (including gift cards to Steve’s Curling—because who doesn’t need a new broom or shoes?) at the end of the season.

Sign up for spring league

Sign-up is open for our 8-week league April 5-May 24. We've worked hard teaching others to curl--now it's time to actually curl ourselves!

Register now   

 (You must be logged in to register.)

Take your shot at winning the first MCA Arena Championship at ImOn Ice

We are excited to partner with the Midwest Curling Association to host the first MCA Arena Championship May 14-15 at ImOn Ice. This four-event bonspiel is open to all curlers who are active members of an MCA arena club.

The fee is $35 per curler and teams will play a minimum of three games. Participants are responsible for food and beverage costs.

Registration deadline is April 30. Register as a full team or sign up as an individual and we will find you a team.

Register now   

Check out this FREE bonspiel

The Midwest Curling Association hosts several bonspiels throughout the year that are FREE for Cedar Rapids Curling members. These are great opportunities to play on dedicated ice.

The Dar Curtis Bonspiel will be May 28-29 at Windy City Curling Club. The Dar Curtis is meant for players to currently curl as leads or twos or newer vice skips to allow them a chance to curl with their peers and try out their own strategies in a fun environment. Find more information.

If you're looking for team members, throw a thread on the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room Facebook group page or chat with people at league! 

Save the date

We have two annual Cedar Rapids Curling events coming up in May and July.

  • Planning meeting: 6:30 p.m. May 31 on Zoom (link to come later). Have thoughts or questions about when, what kind, and how long our leagues, learn to curls, and other events will be for the next year? Well, this will be your time to share your ideas about what our schedule looks like—or just listen in on the planning process.
  • Member meeting and picnic: Noon July 31 at at Hawks Ridge Park in Fairfax (390 W. Prairie Dr., Fairfax, IA, 52228). We have much to celebrate! Bring your family and significant others! Cedar Rapids Curling will provide the hamburgers, brats, buns, and utensils. We ask that you bring an appetizer, side, dish, or dessert to share. After eating and catching up, we will have a short member meeting to share club status and plans and announce the new Board of Directors. Sign-up coming soon.

Start thinking about joining our Board of Directors

Six two-year positions on the Board of Directors will be up for election this summer by the general membership. The Board ordinarily meets once a month and establishes policies, appoints officers and committee chairs, and sets goals to accomplish Cedar Rapids Curling’s mission.

Joining the Board is a great opportunity to serve and help guide the club through the exciting growth that we expect to experience in the next few years. Significant curling skill or experience is not required, and having a few newer members actually is desirable.

For more information about what is involved, ask any current Board member, or email Phil Burian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

You can learn more about the current board members here.

Congrats to our 2022 Winter League winners

Congratulations to Warren, Lynn, Cale, and Andria on their commanding win in our Winter 2022 league!

CRC on the road

Congratulations to Cedar Rapids Curling's Stephen, Parker, Noah, and Windy City Curling friend Aaron on winning the second event of the 2022 Mary Ann Jerred Curl vs. Cancer Bonspiel in Madison!


Two Cedar Rapids Curling teams traveled to Waltham for their mixed spiel. 


Three Cedar Rapids Curling teams went to Wauwatosa, Wis., to play and celebrate the club's 100th birthday!


Three Cedar Rapids Curling team played in the St. Paul Winter Carnival Mixed Bonspiel. Congratulations to Martha, Murray, Nancy, and Brad for winning the Vulcans’ Revenge!


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