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Newsletter - December 2021 (2)

Just a few mid-month reminders as we head into the holidays and a busy few weeks! Plus, congratulate our fall league winners!

Help needed Dec. 21 for LTC

We have 40+ people signed up for our Dec. 21 Learn-to-Curl! So, we could use a few more volunteers!

This LTC is directly after our 6:30 p.m. Teach the Teacher event. We’re changing up how we teach people at our Learn-to-Curl events and we want everyone on the same page. So, if you have taught LTCs in the past or want to teach new curlers, this is for you.

If you are considering volunteering for any winter and spring events, please try to attend. Think you're not a good enough curler to teach? Think again!

Register now   

 (You must be logged in to register.)

Volunteers still needed during National Championships

There are still spots open for both USA Curling and Cedar Rapids Curling volunteer positions from Dec. 28-Jan. 9 for the National Championships.


More volunteer information   


Sign up to volunteer   


All positions are important and some positions do not require curling experience/knowledge, so encourage friends and family (over 18) to sign up. All scheduling is subject to change as developments require. 

COVID-19 protocol update

The Cedar Rapids Curling Board discussed COVID-19 protocol and decided to maintain the current protocol of masking during all CRC events.

With Nationals approaching, please be aware that several protocols will be in effect:

  • Cedar Rapids Curling events (such as LTCs): Cedar Rapids Curling protocol will be followed with every volunteer and participant expected to wear a mask.
  • USA Curling volunteers: Proof of vaccination, negative PCR test, and masking will be required.
  • Spectators at Nationals: Masks are encouraged but not required.

Cedar Rapids Curling protocol:

Cedar Rapids Curling continues to take direction regarding COVID-19 policies from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Linn County Public Health (LCPH) professionals. The CDC recommends indoor masking in counties with “substantial” or “high” coronavirus transmission. Because Linn County currently has a high level of transmission, we will require masks during Cedar Rapids Curling events until CDC and LCPH guidance changes. Normal curling rules will apply other than current masking requirements.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will make adjustments to our policies as necessary. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to keep our curling and wider community safe and healthy.

Sign up to volunteer for Olympic-bump events

Because we will have so many Learn-to-Curl events before, during, and after the Olympics, we have moved volunteer sign-up to Sign-up Genius instead of our website. This way, you can sign up for multiple dates all at once, instead of having to sign up for each one individually on our site.

Sign up now   

If you happen to go to our event registration page and are signed in, you will see an event for “Volunteering During Olympics.” This will direct you to the Sign-up Genius page.

We love our volunteers, and we want to show it

We know we will be asking a lot of our members this winter. Between Nationals and lots of events during and immediately after the Olympics, we are going all out to grow the sport and our club. And we can't do it without all of you.

To show our appreciation, we are offering incentives to volunteer as much as possible. Volunteer five times between Dec. 21 and April and you will automatically get a fabulous gift—we are working on a couple awesome gift card options so stay tuned.

In addition, every time you volunteer, your name will go into a raffle for several big prizes (free leagues and big gift cards to Steve’s Curling—because who doesn’t need a new broom or shoes?) at the end of the season.

To be entered in the raffle, you MUST sign up to volunteer and check in at the actual event.

We couldn't do what we do without our volunteers. THANK YOU! 

Sign up for winter and spring leagues

Sign-up is open for our 5-week league Jan. 11-Feb. 8 and 8-week league April 5-May 24. There are also pick-up games open for registration March 15, 22, 29.

Register now   

 (You must be logged in to register.)

Congrats to our fall league winners!

It all came down to the last night, but Team Abbott prevailed! Congrats to Parker, Drew, Noah, and Stephen for winning the fall league!

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