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Newsletter - December 2021


Are you ready? The best curlers in the country are headed our way and we need your help making the 2022 U.S. Curling National Championships a success!

How you can help during the National Curling Championships

The start of the U.S. Curling National Championships is less than five weeks away and we have more information about the volunteers needed.

Sign-up for USA Curling volunteers at the National Championships is open. This is different than our own Learn-to-Curl events but many positions will not conflict with our Learn-to-Curls so we hope you volunteer for both! All scheduling is subject to change as developments require. 

Volunteers who work a full shift will be admitted to watch other draws on the same day for free.

All positions are important and some positions do not require curling experience/knowledge, so encourage friends and family (over 18) to sign up.

Note that sign-up for all Nationals’ volunteer positions is not through the Cedar Rapids Curling website. 

Sign up to volunteer   

USA Curling volunteer positions needed are:

  • Timers: Volunteers will run thinking time clocks during the competition starting Jan. 2, 2022. A basic understanding of the game, the flow of play, and a good attention span are required, but no previous timing experience is necessary. An initial training/refresher course on timing rules and procedures will be provided in advance.
  • Ice crew: Volunteers will assist USA Curling ice makers with creating and painting the ice starting December 28, 2022, and then with maintaining the ice during competition. No curling experience is necessary but a strong respect for championship-level ice and the ability to work on the ice is required.
  • Credential check: Volunteers will ensure that only authorized team members, officials, and volunteers are allowed into restricted areas during the competition starting Jan. 2, 2022. No curling experience or on-ice activity is required.

USA Curling continues to evaluate COVID protocols, but volunteers for the above positions should assume that proof of vaccination, a current negative test result, and/or a facemask may be required. 

We also are still in need of volunteers for our own activities during the week.

  • Learn-to-Curl instructors: Volunteers will teach participants the basics of curling and facilitate a short game. Helpers will wrangle stones and assist instructors.
  • Curling ambassadors: Volunteers will be on hand for spectators’ questions about the game and, if asked, provide information about how to try curling. A good understanding of the sport and strong interpersonal skills are required. 
  • Cedar Rapids Curling table staff: Volunteers will staff a merchandise sales table, provide information about how to try curling, and may be asked to provide other assistance for the event if the need arises. Basic curling knowledge is requested. 

Sign up to volunteer   

If you know of an out-of-town curler with a passion for teaching who is coming and wants to help with LTCs, have them contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We love our volunteers, and we want to show it

We know we will be asking a lot of our members this winter. Between Nationals and lots of events during and immediately after the Olympics, we are going all out to grow the sport and our club. And we can't do it without all of you.

To show our appreciation, we are offering incentives for members to volunteer as much as possible. Volunteer five times between Dec. 21 and April and you will automatically get a fabulous gift—we are working on a couple awesome gift card options so stay tuned.

In addition, every time you volunteer, your name will go into a raffle for several big prizes (free leagues and big gift cards to Steve’s Curling—because who doesn’t need a new broom or shoes?) at the end of the season. To be entered in the raffle, you MUST sign up to volunteer and then check in at the actual event.

We couldn't do what we do without our volunteers. THANK YOU! 

Learn our new protocol for teaching new curlers

We’re changing up how we teach people at our Learn-to-Curl events and we want everyone on the same page. So, if you have taught LTCs in the past or want to teach new curlers, Cedar Rapids Curling will host a Teach the Teacher event at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 21.

If you are considering volunteering for any winter and spring events, please try to attend. Think you're not a good enough curler to teach? Think again!

Immediately after, there will be a true public Learn to Curl so you can put your new skills to use right away!  

Register now   

 (You must be logged in to register.)

Sign up for winter and spring leagues

Sign-up is open for our 5-week league Jan. 11-Feb. 8 and 8-week league April 5-May 24. There are also pick-up games open for registration March 15, 22, 29.

Register now   

Are you hoarding CRC equipment?

We did a recent inventory of equipment in preparation of a lot of people coming through for Learn-to-Curls, and we realized we are missing some things.

If you have borrowed a stabilizer, slider, or broom for a bonspiel or other event, please return it immediately or email Phil Burian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) so we can get it back. We’re going to need all the equipment we have!

Do your holiday shopping and earn money for CRC

Did you know that Amazon donates 0.5% of all eligible AmazonSmile purchases to nonprofits of their choice, including Cedar Rapids Curling? It's easy!

If you are using a web browser, go to smile.amazon.com and sign in with the account you use for Amazon. Select your nonprofit and start shopping!

If you are using the Amazon app, go to the main menu, select "Settings" and then "AmazonSmile." Select your nonprofit and follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile. Once AmazonSmile has been activated, all future eligible app purchases will generate a donations for your nonprofit.

Happy shopping!

Keep your eye out for CRC billboards

If you’re traveling on Highway 6 through Coralville in January or Blairs Ferry Road in Cedar Rapids in February, you might notice some familiar faces. Cedar Rapids Curling will be bringing awareness to the sport and the club through billboards running before and during the Olympics. And Martha and Parker make excellent curling models!

Been curling 6 years or less? This FREE bonspiel is for you

The Midwest Curling Association hosts several bonspiels throughout the year that are FREE for Cedar Rapids Curling members. These are great opportunities to play on dedicated ice.

The Five Year & Under Bonspiel will be Jan. 15-16, 2022, at Waltham Curling Club. This is open to any curler who started curling in fall 2016 or later. (The 2020-21 season doesn't count due to COVID-19.)

Learn more and register now   

 If you're looking for team members, throw a thread on the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room Facebook group page or chat with people at league!

Save the date for MCA arena championship in May

Cedar Rapids Curling is working with the Midwest Curling Association to host an MCA Arena Championship. The dates are tentatively set for May 14-15. More information will be coming.

Any team from an arena club in the MCA is invited to play, so start putting your teams together!

CRC on the road

Congratulations to Team Miss Marple and the Deadly Hammer (Cale, Martha, Murray, Lynn), who won the third event at the Murder Mystery Mixed Bonspiel at Chicago Curling Club!

Eight members of Cedar Rapids Curling headed west on Interstate 80 to catch several days of the Olympic Trials for curling in Omaha. Kirby also played a game with curlers from around the country as part of a mixer hosted by Aksarben Curling Club.

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