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Newsletter - November 2021


Fall is winding down and we are getting ready for a crazy busy, crazy fun winter!

Help make the 2022 Curling National Championships a success

We are excited to help host the 2022 USA Men's and Women's Curling National Championships Jan. 2-9 at ImOn Ice. This will be an amazing chance to see the best curlers in the country right in our home arena--and to showcase our sport to the wider community and grow our club.

We are still waiting to hear how or if USA Curling will need our help before, during, and after the event. BUT, we have LOTS of  opportunities to volunteer at Learn to Curl events that we will host during the week. Check out the list and register to help as soon as you can. We rely on volunteer registration to know that we will have enough people to actually put on these events.

Learn to Curls scheduled during Nationals:

  • 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 2
  • 4:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 3
  • 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 4
  • 2:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 5
  • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 6
  • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 7
  • 4:30-6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 7
  • 9-10:45 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 8
  • 1:30-3:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 8
  • 8:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 9
  • 7:30-9:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 9
  • 2-4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 10


 (You must be logged in to register.)

We are still working to get an answer as to whether volunteers will get free or discounted tickets to Nationals. We'll let you know the moment we know.

We love our volunteers, and we want to show it

We know we will be asking a lot of our members this winter. Between Nationals and lots of events during and immediately after the Olympics, we are going all out to grow the sport and our club. And we can't do it without all of you.

To show our appreciation, we are offering incentives to volunteer as much as possible. Volunteer five times between Dec. 21 and April and you will automatically get a fabulous gift. In addition, every time you volunteer, your name will go into a raffle for several big prizes at the end of the season.

We couldn't do what we do without our volunteers. THANK YOU! 

Deadline for Nov. 23 pick-up games TODAY

The Nov. 16 pick-up games are ON. The deadline to register for the Nov. 23 pick-up games is today, Nov. 9.


(You must be logged in to register.)

Teach the Teacher: Learn to instruct new curlers

Have you taught Learn to Curls in the past? Are you a newer member who is interested in teaching new curlers? Cedar Rapids Curling will host a Teach the Teacher event at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 21 to get on the same page of what to teach during a Learn to Curl event. We would love anyone who is considering volunteering for any winter and spring events to attend. Think you're not a good enough curler to teach? Think again!

Immediately after, there will be a true public Learn to Curl so you can put your new skills to use right away! 


(You must be logged in to register.)

Do your holiday shopping and earn money for CRC

Did you know that Amazon donates 0.5% of all eligible AmazonSmile purchases to nonprofits of their choice, including Cedar Rapids Curling? It's easy!

If you are using a web browser, go to smile.amazon.com and sign in with the account you use for Amazon. Select your nonprofit and start shopping!

If you are using the Amazon app, go to the main menu, select "Settings" and then "AmazonSmile." Select your nonprofit and follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile. Once AmazonSmile has been activated, all future eligible app purchases will generate a donations for your nonprofit.

Happy shopping!

Want to use the CRC logo?

We've had a few members ask about whether they can use the Cedar Rapids Curling logo on items such as special shirts for bonspiels. 

We wants our members to be able to show their pride in their curling community. To facilitate that, Cedar Rapids Curling has instituted a policy that dues-paying members may use the CRC logo without charge for personal, non-commercial use, with a few exceptions. Check out the rules and download accepted versions of the logo for use.

Read the policy   

(You be logged in to read the policy.)

Been curling 6 years or less? This FREE bonspiel is for you

The Midwest Curling Association hosts several bonspiels throughout the year that are FREE for Cedar Rapids Curling members. These are great opportunities to play on dedicated ice.

The Five Year & Under Bonspiel will be Jan. 15-16, 2022, at Waltham Curling Club. This is open to any curler who started curling in fall 2016 or later. (The 2020-21 season doesn't count due to COVID-19.) Registration will open in November. Find more information.

If you're looking for team members for either spiel, throw a thread on the Cedar Rapids CC Virtual Warm Room Facebook group page or chat with people at league! 

Save the date for MCA arena championship in May

Cedar Rapids Curling is working with the Midwest Curling Association to host an MCA Arena Championship. The dates are tentitively set for May 14-15. More information will be coming.

Any team from an arena club in the MCA is invited to play, so start putting your teams together!

Ladies, check out upcoming USWCA bonspiels

There is a lot happening this season for women’s curling through the United States Women’s Curling Association (USWCA). Our USWCA rep, Helen Bryce, would like to draw your attention to a couple things. Please contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

Waltham Curling Club (the closest dedicated ice facility to us) will host a women’s 5-and-under Feb. 4-5 with the USWCA. This is open to any curler who started curling in fall 2016 or later. (The 2020-21 season doesn't count due to COVID-19.) Find more information here.

The deadline for applications for the 73rd Women’s National Bonspiel is Dec. 8. This bonspiel will be Feb. 23-27, 2022, in Utica, New York. There is a four-game guarantee, and the games will be timed and played to 10 ends. Application forms can be found here and need to be submitted through Helen Bryce before Dec. 8. All participants will be required to share proof of vaccination per New York state. The 2023 site will be Bowling Green, Ohio. 

Belfast Curling Club in Maine is holding a large online auction to support needed renovations and expenses associated with the upcoming Scot tour. This auction has many curling-related items. Learn more here.

Find all your USWCA news here.

Buy a previous version of the member shirt

You should all have gotten your new CRC shirt, or have been contacted by Emily Nelson about it. 

We have a few of the previous gray member shirts left if you are interested in buying one for $10. Contact Emily Nelson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) about what size you would like (all sizes EXCEPT large available).

Curling tip of the month

You think you know what the five-rock rule is? Are you sure?

The five-rock rule, or free guard rule, states that a guard (a stone sitting in between the hog line and the tee line, excluding the front half of the house) cannot be removed from play until the first five stones of the end are thrown. If a guard is removed from play before such stones are thrown, the guard is placed back in its original position and the opponent's stone that hit the guard is removed from play.

  • If your stone ticks a guard, moving it to another area of the guard zone but not out of play, this does not violate the rule.
  • If your stone hits a guard, pushing it into the house, this does not violate the rule.
  • You can remove your own guard from play.

This rule is relatively new in curling. The World Curling Federation instated a four-rock rule in 1991, changing it to five rocks in 2018. Before then, teams could take out guards as soon as they were placed. This led to a clutter-free game, but also low-scoring, predictable outcomes.

Have something you'd like to see included or always wondered about? It could be anything from tips on play, etiquette, or whatever is on your mind. Email Emily Nelson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

CRC on the road

Bonspiel season is well underway and three teams headed to the Halloween Spiel in Madison, two teams went to Chicago for the Prairie State Challenge, and one team traveled to Janesville, Wis., for the Women's First Chance Bonspiel.

Congratulations to Cale Tesch, Andy Beland, Emily Johnson, and Robert Wallraff for winning the 3rd event at Prairie State!

Reminder about  COVID-19 protocol

Cedar Rapids Curling continues to take direction regarding COVID-19 policies from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Linn County Public Health (LCPH) professionals. With the delta variant taking off around the country, the CDC recommends indoor masking in counties with “substantial” or “high” coronavirus transmission. Because Linn County currently has a high level of transmission, we will require masks during play for our upcoming CedarSpiel, fall league, instructional league, and Learn to Curl events until CDC and LCPH guidance changes. Normal curling rules will apply other than current masking requirements.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will make adjustments to our policies as necessary. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to keep our curling and wider community safe and healthy.



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